
2019-07-26 Conni Covington War Ein Schlechter Mitbewohner

Während ich das schreibe, ist es am 08.12.2018, 14:14 Uhr Ost, ein Samstag. Ich habe ein typisches Samstag-Sonntag-Wochenende frei, also bin ich heute frei von meinem Tagesjob. Gerade hat meine Mitbewohnerin Conni Covington unser Apartment wieder betreten, nachdem sie vor ungefähr 30 Minuten ausgestürmt war. Sie holte eine kleine Bratpfanne aus dem Schrank und fing an, einen Gemüseburger zu kochen, direkt neben mir, wo ich gerade mit dem Kochen von Hackfleisch fertig war, das ich später auf Taco-Art verwenden werde. Sie war wütend darüber, dass sie vor einer halben Stunde angeblich nicht in der Lage war, ihr Mittagessen mit dem Herd zu kochen, aber ich erwartete, dass sie dann einfach nur den anderen Brenner benutzte, so wie sie es jetzt getan hat. Ihr Wutanfall war völlig unnötig, eine böse, unerwartete Überraschung. Sie gab keine Vorwarnung, dass sie den Herd benutzen möchte, oder irgendeine Bemerkung, ob sie alles für sich haben wollte oder nicht. Ich weiß immer noch nicht, ob sie dachte, es wäre unangenehm, neben mir zu kochen und auch zu kochen. Ich glaube, sie war gerade in einer enormen Eile, irgendwohin zu gehen, aber nur für eine kurze Zeit (?) Und hatte nicht genügend Zeit zum Kochen (?) Oder zum Essen im Voraus eingeplant. Ich fühle mich jetzt so unsicher. Ich war mit dem Kochen des Taco-Fleisches fertig und ließ es dort abkühlen, damit ich es später in einen Glad-Behälter geben kann, ohne es zu schmelzen. Jetzt habe ich meine Schlafzimmertür abgeschlossen, für den Fall, dass sie noch verrückter wird. Ich bin so frustriert über ihr schlechtes Benehmen. Sie ist eine außergewöhnlich schlechte Kommunikatorin, die mich ständig so behandelt, als wäre ich ein unerwünschter Eindringling in ihrer Villa, anstatt ein Mieter zu sein, der in einem billigen alten 8-Häuserblock wohnt, für den ich meinen gerechten Anteil bezahle. **Seufzer**. Sie hat mir bereits diktiert, dass sie sonntags kocht, ohne dass ich die Möglichkeit hätte, meinerseits ein anderes Bedürfnis zu äußern. Es stellt sich heraus, dass ich mit dieser Zeit einverstanden bin, weil ich nur an einem Samstag kochen kann und dann fast vollständig aus der Küche herauskomme, wenn der Sonntag ankommt. Ich kann einfach schnell ein paar vorbereitete Sachen zum Essen holen, etwas Eis für ein Getränk holen, vielleicht ein Gericht für 2 Minuten in der Mikrowelle jedes Mal, wenn ich etwas zu essen brauche, oder sogar weniger als das an einem Sonntag. Das war also die neue Norm, ein stark etabliertes Muster, das sie forderte, und ich war einfach in der Lage, dies durch Kapitulation zu kompensieren, ohne sie zu konfrontieren. Der Weg der Widerstandslosigkeit war einfach und stressfrei, ich konnte die Auswirkungen ihrer starken Vorlieben auffangen und mich auch kühl halten. Jetzt habe ich in der Vergangenheit viele Mitbewohner gehabt. Einige waren fantastisch, andere durchschnittlich, andere schlecht und manche sogar kriminell. Ich habe einige Zimmer in der Vergangenheit, die ich vermisse und wieder sehen möchte, und eines, gegen das ich ein hervorragendes Gerichtsurteil habe. Ich war sowohl der Mieter, der dem anderen Mitbewohner meine Miete bezahlt (wie es jetzt der Fall ist), als auch die Person, die die anderen Mitbewohner dazu bringen muss, mich zu bezahlen, damit ich den Vermieter bezahlen kann. Ich möchte, dass Sie verstehen, dass ich hier eine tiefe Erfahrung habe, um Conni Covington mit anderen zu vergleichen, und dass ich eine vernünftige Denkerin bin, die nicht übermäßig emotional ist, wenn es darum geht, ihre Leistung als Mitbewohnerin zu bewerten. Conni hat bisher die Hälfte der Miete gezahlt und mir nichts gestohlen, und ich erwarte nicht, dass sie das tun wird. Zumindest ist sie keine Kriminelle. Aber ich kann ihr nicht wirklich vertrauen, weil sie eine Lüge der Unterlassung über eine materielle Konsequenz über den Mietvertrag und wie es wäre, mit ihr zu leben, erzählte. Sie gab nicht bekannt, dass sie eine Katze besitzt. Als ich die Wohnung überprüfte, versteckte sie die Katze zunächst vollständig. Später, als ich die Katze sah, behauptete sie, sie gehöre einer Freundin und sie schaue sie sich nur manchmal an, etwa 1-3 Tage alle 2-3 Monate. Die Wahrheit ist: Sie besaß diese Katze (und auch die Geschwister dieser Katze, die zuvor gestorben waren) für Jahre. Und sie sagt, diese Katze hat Nierenprobleme. Sie lässt die Katze ihr Leben laufen (und mischt sich in meine ein). Conni lässt ihre Schlafzimmertür mindestens so weit offen, dass die Katze jederzeit nach Belieben kommen und gehen kann, aber für einige Momente an dem Tag, an dem sie sich umzieht. Die Katzentoilette befindet sich im vorderen Raum. Und dies verwandelt effektiv alle öffentlichen Bereiche in Connis persönlichen Schlafraum. Wenn ich auf die Toilette gehen will, gehe ich durch Connis Schlafzimmer, um dorthin zu gelangen. Wenn ich die Küche benutze, bin ich auch in Connis Schlafzimmer. Wenn ich die Haustür betrete, habe ich Connis Schlafzimmer betreten. Dies zerstört effektiv den gesamten Wert der Unterkunft, die ich erwartete, um die Hälfte des Mietpreises für mein hart verdientes Geld zu bezahlen. Um das Ganze abzurunden, schleicht sie sich so leise wie ein Ninja aus der Wohnung, so dass ich auch den Vorteil der Nutzung der öffentlichen Bereiche verliere, wenn sie aufgrund ihrer Abwesenheit etwas weniger wie ihr Schlafzimmer ist und daher etwas für mich weniger stressig. Ich glaube, sie hat mich wegen ihres Katzenbesitzes in die Irre geführt, weil sie finanziell verzweifelt nach Geld lechzte, als sie damit beschäftigt war, ihre Scheidung abzuschließen. Und ich vermute, dass sie einen Armutslohn verdient, wenn sie an der UGA Deutsch unterrichtet. Am meisten ärgert mich, dass sie mir nicht einmal einen Schlüssel für den Briefkasten gegeben hat. Ich bin ein erwachsener Mann, älter als sie, aber Conni Covington glaubt, dass ein anderer unabhängiger Mensch mit ihrer Störung der Postzustellung einverstanden ist. Sie hält eine schmutzige Serviette auf dem Tisch, lange nachdem sie ein biologisches Risiko eingegangen ist. Ich habe den starken Eindruck, dass sie glaubt, die Welt vor der globalen vom Menschen verursachten Klimavolatilität zu retten, da immer nur eine schmutzige Serviette zu lange aufbewahrt wird. Ich habe einen sehr anstrengenden, körperlich und emotional herausfordernden Tagesjob. Ich bin jedoch sehr gut in meiner Arbeit. Es beginnt früh am Morgen und dauert bis zum Nachmittag, Montag bis Freitag. Ich fahre mit dem Fahrrad zur Arbeit und wieder zurück, um Geld zu sparen, indem ich Autokosten vermeide. Ich habe genug wirtschaftlichen, physischen und sozialen Stress, ohne den unnötigen zusätzlichen Schaden, den Conni mir zufügt. Ich hatte so große Hoffnungen, dass dies eine für beide Seiten vorteilhafte und lohnende Zusammenarbeit sein könnte, aber ihre bedeutende Unehrlichkeit und ihr schlechtes Benehmen haben den größten Teil des Vertrauens zerstört, das eine normale Beziehung braucht, um gesund zu sein. Ich versuche, mein Geld, meine Ernährung und meine Zukunft unter Wahrung meiner Gelassenheit zu managen. Ich denke, ich war mehr als zuvorkommend und habe mein eigenes Verhalten und meine Stressreaktionen besser gemeistert, als es die meisten Menschen könnten, wenn sie in meinen Schuhen stecken würden, wenn man bedenkt, was sie getan hat. Ich habe auf lange Sicht größere Fische zum Braten. Ich habe diesen Blog-Beitrag geschrieben, um diese negativen Gefühle aus meinem Kopf zu bekommen, damit ich sie vorerst vergessen und Maßnahmen ergreifen kann, die mich zu einigen schönen langfristigen Zielen bewegen. Wohneigentum, App-Entwicklung, vielleicht könnte ich im Sommer 2019 meine erste Reise nach New York City oder nach Europa unternehmen. Gleichzeitig hoffe ich, meine Bürgerpflicht zu erfüllen, um jeden, der ein Mitbewohner von Conni werden könnte, vorab zu warnen Covington, dass sie dich so behandeln könnte, wie sie mich behandelt hat. Ich gebe diesen Text heute (08.12.2018) als gespeicherten Blog-Beitrag ein und plane ihn für eine computergestützte zukünftige automatische Veröffentlichung am Tag nach Ablauf dieses Vertrags (26.07.2019), damit mir alles andere passiert Zwischendurch oder danach könnte der Rest von Ihnen von diesen Informationen profitieren.

Conni Covington Was A Bad Roommate

As I write this, it is 2018-12-08 14:14 Hours Eastern, a Saturday. I have a typical Saturday-Sunday weekend off, so I am free from my day job today. Just now, my roommate, Conni Covington, has re-entered our apartment after having stormed out about 30 minutes ago. She took out a small frying pan from the cabinet and started cooking a veggie burger in it, right next to me, where I just got finished cooking some ground beef I will use later, taco-style. She was mad about supposedly not being able to use the stove to cook her lunch a half an hour ago, but I expected her then to simply just use the other burner just like she has done now. Her temper-tantrum was completely unnecessary, a nasty, unexpected surprise. She did not give any pre-warning that she would like to use the stove, or any notice whether or not she desired to have it all to herself or not. I still don't know whether or not she thought it would be objectionable to cook while standing beside me, also cooking. She was just in some kind of an enormous rush to go somewhere, I guess, but only for a little while(?), and did not plan ahead with sufficient time for cooking(?) or enough time for eating. I feel so unsafe now. I finished cooking the taco meat and left it there to cool on the back burner so I can put it into a Glad container later without melting it. Now I have locked my bedroom door just in case she grows even crazier. I'm so frustrated with her bad behavior. She is an exceptionally bad communicator who constantly treats me like I am an unwelcome intruder in her mansion instead of a co-equal renter in a low-cost old apartment 8-block that I pay my fair share for. **Sigh**. She already dictated to me that she cooks on Sundays, with no opportunity for me to express any other need on my part. I'm OK with that time, it turns out, because I can just cook on a Saturday and then stay out of the kitchen almost completely when Sunday arrives. I can just quickly grab some pre-prepared items to eat, grab some ice for a drink, maybe microwave a dish for 2 minutes each time I need to eat, or even less than that, on a Sunday. So that was the new normal, a strong established pattern that she demanded, and I was simply able to accommodate that by capitulation without confronting her. The path of non-resistance was simple and low-stress, I could absorb the affects of her strong preferences, and also keep my cool. Now, I've had lots of roommates in the past. Some have been awesome, some have been average, some have been bad, and some have even been criminal. I have some past roommies I miss and want to see again, and one that I have an outstanding court judgement against. I have both been the renter who pays the other roommate my rent (as is the case now), and the person who has to get the other roommates to pay me so I can pay the landlord. I want you to understand I have a depth of experience here by which to compare Conni Covington to others, and that I am being a reasonable thinker who isn't overly emotional about evaluating her performance here as a roommate. Conni has so far paid her half of the rent and not stolen anything from me, and I don't anticipate that she will. So at least she is not a criminal. But I can't actually trust her, because she told a lie of omission about a material fact of consequence about the lease and what it would be like to live with her. She failed to disclose that she owns a cat. At first, when I was checking out the apartment, she hid the cat entirely. Later, when I saw the cat, she claimed it belonged to a friend and she only watches it sometimes, like 1-3 days out of every 2-3 months. The truth is: she owned this cat (and also owned this cat's siblings who previously died) for years. And she says this cat has kidney problems. She lets the cat run her life (and interfere with mine). Conni leaves her bedroom door open at least wide enough for the cat to come and go at will at ALL times, but for a few moments in the day when she changes clothes. The litter box is in the front room. And this effectively transforms all of the common areas into Conni's personal bedroom space. If I want to use the bathroom, I'm going through Conni's bedroom to get there. If I use the kitchen, I'm also in Conni's bedroom. If I enter the front door, I have entered Conni's bedroom. This effectively destroys the entire value of the lodging I expected my obligation for half the of the lease to give to me in return for my hard-earned cash. To top it off, when she leaves the apartment, she sneaks out as quietly as a ninja, so that I am also deprived of the benefit of using the common areas when it is slightly less like her bedroom because of her absence, and thus slightly less stressful to me. I think she misled me about her cat ownership because she was financially desperate for cash as she was busy finalizing her divorce. And I suspect that she earns poverty-level wages teaching German at UGA. The thing that really annoys me most of all, is that she has not even given me a key to the mailbox. I am a grown adult man, older than she, but Conni Covington thinks another independent human being is going to be OK with her interference with their postal delivery. She keeps a filthy napkin on the table, long after it has become a bio-hazard. I have a strong impression that she thinks she's saving the world from global man-made climate volatility, one dirty napkin preserved too long at a time. I have a very demanding, physically and emotionally challenging day job. I am very good at my work, though. It starts early in the morning, and lasts until the afternoon, Monday through Friday. I bicycle to work and back again, to save money by avoiding automotive costs. I have enough economic, physical, and social stress without the needless extra harm Conni gives to me. I had such high hopes that this could be a mutually beneficial and rewarding collaboration when I moved in, but her significant dishonesty and bad behavior have destroyed most of the trust a normal relationship needs to have in order to be healthy. I'm trying to manage my money, my diet, and future while keeping my composure. I think I've been more than accommodating and have managed my own behavior & stress responses better than most people could if they were in my shoes, given what she's done. I've got bigger fish to fry, in the long run. I wrote this blog post to get these negative feelings off of my mind, so that I can forget about them for now and take actions that move me toward some nice long-term goals. Home ownership, app development, maybe I could take my first trip to New York City or to Europe in the summer of 2019. At the same time, I hope to do my civic duty to pre-warn anyone who might become a roommate of Conni Covington that she might treat you the way she has treated me. I am entering this text as a saved blog post today ( 2018-12-08 ), and scheduling it for a computerized future automatic release on the day after this lease ends ( 2019-07-26 ), so that whatever else happens to me in-between now and then or after, the rest of you might benefit from this information.


Creepy Simon Sinek Smears Generation Y And Confuses Them With Millenials

There's a bad video of a deepak chopra-like white dude smearing Gen Y going around. He's a worthless lout with hazy pseudoscience ideas about business he's been huckstering in "business" books. He's not "insightful". He's counter-productively wrong, frequently. So here's a blog post you can use to counter that stupid "IQ" video if it ever rears it's ugly face on your facebook feed.
The offensive smear video:

Well, I'm gonna be a critical-thinking curmudgeon about what simon sinek says in this here video. I'd advise you to question what I think about him too (and tell me so!, share! share!).

First off, sinek doesn't even know the correct timing of generations.

Generation X is the one that built the internet (World Wide Web). They are the first generation for whom the American Dream was not at least as equally available or better than it was for their parents. For a lucky few, the dot-com boom worked out. For the rest, they earn a great deal less, and have no retirement savings or plans. All generations so far that follow Generation X suffer the same lack of opportunities problem.

Generation Y is the one that has never known a time without an internet. Generation Y is the one sinek is actually smearing and he incorrectly identifies them as Millennials.

Millennials are ALL born after the turn of the century, 2000-01-01. Although the most important event delineating their generation from Gen Y is post-2001-09-11, the terrorist attack, of course. Small-minded sinek can't have a worthwhile opinion of managing them, they've only begun to go to work at all.

His statements are ageist nonsense, and have a lot in common with class war statements of the rich against the poor. For example, a billionaire who got rich through inheritance claims of his own hard-working full-time employees earning poverty-level wages:"They're lazy & entitled!".

sinek's smears amount to an over-generalized case of the "fundamental attribution error". He doesn't actually understand the perfectly rational behaviors & motivations of others, so he presumes they have inherent character flaws.

The right-wing commonplace behavioral & emotional stereotype of Generation Y seems to ONLY apply to wealthy, healthy, white suburban children, who are only a fraction of Generation Y. Poor whites, and minorities of any kind, who are the majority of the people born at that time, strongly don't have anything at all in common with those attributes.

Also, his mannerisms have all the hallmarks of a creep. He acts like steve jobs did, and steve jobs was stealing from & abusing his own employees for his whole putrid life. I would not be at all shocked to discover at a later time that sinek is a serial rapist or something awful like that.

Gen Y could respond that their behavior is perfectly adapted to the environment they experience. They will never get more for their work than they get the moment they are hired. No raises will EVER come for them. Getting paid well to start with is a MUST for them. Gen X & Y are smarter and more creative than any who came before Gen X, but it's the pre-Gen X oldsters who control the levers of power, and wield them against Gen X and below. It's the power disparity that Gen Y deals with even more effectively than Gen X can.

Gen Y is so diverse that they defy such stupid stereotypes as sinek's dumb opinions. Perhaps they are better defined as the 1st generation whose commentators-analyzers are uniformly bad at defining them, possibly even including myself here. Gen Y perhaps doesn't have such strong-trending stand-out characteristics by which you could successfully stereotype them, even as a handful of sub-groups, and this is why sinek fails. Digital natives. Superior to their predecessors, but dispossessed of power equal to the predecessors. As numerous as the baby boomers, it is a fool's errand to characterize them as flippantly as the idiot sinek does.

IQ? A fake show with a nobody host no one has ever seen or heard of before? Not the slightest bit of critical thinking from the interviewer?

Also, facebook is a MISTAKE. 2+ hours later, and now I'm writing this into a separate blog post, oh boy! Good-bye, my weekend!


Andrew Payne:"Burning Gasoline" EP


 I got my hands on Andrew Payne's EP "Burning Gasoline" which just came out 2015-04-07.  I had a chance to talk to Andrew about it a little bit too.  He is from Aiken, South Carolina, and it shows in his art. 
 "Burning Gasoline" (the EP's title song) is about an actual motorboat trip he took as a child down a river.  His and his friend's dads planned an excursion.  This song make many local references to South Carolina and Georgia.  Most American kids get to take some kind of trip into national or state parks at some point in their childhood, and "Burning Gasoline" triggers some memories of my own.  It'll probably trigger some for you too, including the kinds of food dads take on a camping trip.  The song mentions stormy weather, but Andrew either didn't think there was much actual danger at the time, or was too young to know better.  This song makes me want to go kayaking again.
 "Locked Up" is loaded with double entendres.  Clever writing featuring misdirection between the protagonist's girlfriend & his guitar.  Most guitarists will enjoy this song.  I feel some ownership over it, like it belongs to me, to "just us guitarists", like non-players just won't understand a man's first true love is his axe.  You might like this song, but you probably won't experience it the same way I do, unless you too have spent 10,000 hours with a 6-string.  Combines some feelings of being unjustly wronged, having your property stolen too.  The chorus is strong & fun.  Maybe I'll learn to play it.
 It would be easy to make a good music video for this song.  It almost writes itself like a sit-com episode script.

 "Late Night Highway Blues" evokes the sad feelings of anyone who's ever been stranded on a interstate or lonely state highway far from any human improvements by vehicle malfunctions.  Your sudden change of plans for unexpected maintenance feels awful.  It makes you feel like things aren't going right in your life, even though the machine is not you.  If by some chance you've never been to America, our continent is huge.  There are large, sparsely populated areas of the old west where you can be on a road that stretches from one horizon to the other with no other humans in sight.  If you get stuck there, you might not see another person for days.  You can get stuck in a survival situation you didn't plan for.  This often happens in winter on I-80 when a blizzard can cover the road shutting down traffic for several states.  Our American sense of self-identity is wrapped up in our automobiles.
 Most of us ( the poor, working-class people ) have suffered this kind of break-down event more than once.  "Late Night Highway Blues" pegs this experience well.  The rhymes are comfortable and right for the subject.  The chorus could become a familiar sing-a-long if it gets the radio airplay it deserves.  This song would be perfect for radio, as nowadays people are usually in their cars when they flick on their radio, the perfect place to discover this song.
 This is perfect for compilations of "Road Trip" songs, summer vacation mixes, & all-automobile playlists.

 "The Company Kept" seems to lament the futility of the work-a-day rat race.  It mentions wasting time, and smoking cigarettes.  Andrew Payne used to smoke, but he got over it.  I respect that, the most attractive feature a person can display is the power to self-edit their own behavior to become a better person.  This song speaks somewhat to the death of the American dream, the correctly placed frustration of Generation X who knows they're screwed.  But it also seems to suggest that if the crowd you're running with has no ambition, you need to find a better social circle, even if the odds are against you.

 "The Company Kept" mentions a basement stage, and "Roll Credits" is all about Hollywood.  I asked Andrew if he's into acting, and he said these lyrics are more a metaphor in the Shakespearean sense of "All the world's a stage". 
 Andrew spent ~9 months in L.A. working for Snoop Dog's vanity record label.  He learned there is a big difference between music creation & performance and the business side of the music industry.  Andrew is interested more in a local, familiar music performance & reputation than that big-label kind of manufactured plastic fame.


Hendershot's Open Mic Nite 2014-12-08

Larry Forte "Lonesome Trail"
19:30 - Joshua Hellums
2nd piece is whiny anxious poem about ice cream.  It's very hard to understand him
19:40 - Johnny Rowland  
"Give Yourself"
19:50 - Rumsfeld  
20:00 - Drew Albenesius  
"Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em"
"Dublin Blues"
20:10 -Trey Yip  
did not tell us a title for this song
this song has no title either, and sounds exactly like the last one except this one has a harmonica
20:20 - Matt Maudsley  Leaving for Columbia, South Carolina soon. 1st Song is "Wear My Heart Out".
"I Miss You"
20:30 - Kevin Whitfield  NO SHOW
Olive  "Ladies Nite"
20:40 - Rick Bedell  
flute improvisation
flute improvisation with a guitarist
20:50 - Michael Smith  
"It's All Right Here"
21:00 - Laurel Cathleen  
"Forget You"
"We're Just Friends"
21:10 - Chris Padgett  
"Sic Transit Gloria"
"Going To Georgia"
21:20 - Will Heaton  
"The Air She Breathes"
21:30 - Caitlin Marie  
"I'm Giving Up On You"
"Whiskey Lullabye"
21:40 - Liam Parke  
"Springhill Mining Disaster"
"Ready For The Storm"
21:50 - OPEN SLOT
22:00 - Castaway?  
William Freeman "Sacrifice In Our Stars"
"Coffee And Cigarettes"
also: Brett Vaughn "Find It Hard To Breathe"
Brett Vaughn and Chill Will "My Babe"


Dear Sesame Street: Let's Count To 100!

Dear Sesame Workshop,

I am 40 years old.  4, 0, FORTY years! [Thunder, lightning] Ah, ah, ah, ah. . . . .  Yet I distinctly recall playing hide & go seek as a 4 year old boy.  My uncle asked me to count to 100 so everyone else could go hide well before I went searching for them.  But I had to tell him I didn't know what that was.  I had only learned to count to 20, because that was the highest number Sesame Street would teach at the time.  Even then, none of the other kids took the time to teach me what they knew, they just wanted to play the game.  But I'm certain I could have learned how to count to 21 & beyond, if only they had taken a moment to explain it.  I missed out on learning that until the 1st or 2nd grade.

I think children are capable of learning much more math, much sooner.  If the Sesame Workshop had just played some shorts explaining numbers up to 100, I think I would have quickly figured out that the pattern of increasing numbers and their names continues to at least 999, at which point I certainly would have asked adults on my own, "What comes after that?", and they could easily handle explaining 1000+.

There is one problem with numbers in American English that is invisible and built-in.  The teens and their names.

10 should be called "tenty"
11 should be called "tenty-one"
12 = "tenty-two" and so on up until 19 = "tenty-nine"

When you consider that all numbers above 20 have the same naming pattern, but the numbers 10-19 don't, then you realize that teaching numbers just up to 20 means a child is going to presume every number has a special name that someone else must share with you before you can name it, or use it, just like people have names that are unknown until an introduction is made. 

So please consider increasing from 20 to 100 the maximum number that Sesame Street teaches.  You could even make a song about how it makes no sense that number eleven should be "TENty-one", but that sounds too similar to "TWENty-one", especially on the phone, so we call it eleven instead.  You might make a joke that maybe we could call it "ONEty-one", but that too sounds too much like "twenty-one" on the phone, the radio, or TV.

You might find it helpful to present the number and the word for the name of that number at the same time.  I know Sesame Street hasn't normally done that in the past, but I think it might be time to start, with the basic numbers especially, as this could help children learn to read much faster too, as spelled-out numbers are everywhere around us.

You might determine I'm wrong, that this is too hard for children this age (for all I know, you may have already tried it before).  Maybe trying to explain how the teen numbers break the normal pattern is too much for your TV show.  Perhaps just a few rare showings of segments about these larger numbers & teen-names is all that older children will need to clue in & pay attention that this is important, because they rarely see the skit about this.

But whatever else you do, please increase from 20 to 100 the maximum number that Sesame Street typically teaches.

Your friend,

Ace Frahm